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Shkrirja Akullnajave: Alarmi nga Ekspertët!

Shkrirja Akullnajave: Alarmi nga Ekspertët!

Temperature in increase are damaging what have long been considered dormant, almost fossilized ice layers, making the icebergs in the European Alps more unstable and dangerous.

The major issue being observed by experts is that these massive icebergs are melting not only on the surface, but also internally, making it almost impossible to accurately predict their collapse. The collapse of an alpine glacier on Sunday in Italy resulted in the death of at least seven people, tragically drawing attention to this phenomenon.

Italy is facing an unusual early summer, the consequences of which are being seen in the deteriorating dryness in the Po Valley and the recent collapse of the Marmolada glacier. “I know that glacier very well. I was really surprised. Before this incident, I would not have thought it was dangerous. It is very affected by the melting and shrinking of the ice due to the altitude at which it is located and was considered a typical glacier, undergoing shrinkage and potentially disappearing in the coming years. So it was really surprising to see such a collapse of the glacier, so influenced by climate change,” said Giovanni Baccolo, a glacier researcher at the University of Milan, quoted by Reuters.

Temperatures, which are normally below zero on the Marmolada mountain, reached ten degrees Celsius on Saturday, causing a large amount of ice to break near Punta Rocca, on the route typically used by mountaineers to reach the summit. Baccolo warned daring alpinists, who go to the mountains to escape the summer heat, to be cautious because high temperatures are weakening the structure of the glaciers.

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